Using proven teaching and learning methods, Chinese Plus Language Centre dedicated teachers are committed to delivering a great Mandarin learning experience to enable each student to reach their learning goals.

Well Planned-Out

The study plan is designed to enable students to learn more efficiently.


You will never feel embarrassed about speaking in Chinese when your professional teachers are smiling and encouraging you.

Speaking Focus

Speaking activities provide students with various opportunities to practice grammar points in actual real-life situations. What You Study Is What You Used!


In addition to the textbook, the use of supplementary materials and varied techniques will motivate students to speak Chinese perfectly.

- Use many visuals in the classroom. For example, flash cards, graphic, ppt, videos, etc.

- Use storytelling, memorization and drills, physical activities, role plays, etc.

Interactive & Fun

We teach you language relevant to life outside of classroom by you interacting with tutors, engaging with classmates to talk, discuss even debate on interesting topics in our lives.


You can speak more and more Chinese easily, and the Chinese can understand what you say. This builds your confidence in your ability.


You’ll surprise yourself by speaking Chinese very well after attending highly effective mandarin Chinese courses.